with robots
A single app that provides robot delivery,
helps with ordering snacks and beverages,
and tracking parked cars
A system that controls lighting, temperature, and ventilation anywhere in the building,
all with just a touch on the mobile app
standardized system in mind to ensure a safe
work environment in the post-pandemic era.
A separate HVAC system on each floor
prevent infection
Designed in collaboration with infectious disease doctors and industrial engineers
Provides advanced medical services
with specialized medical treatment
and health counseling
What our new workplace should be like in a post-pandemic world
Green infrastructure
to build a better
to shape the world of tomorrow
- this all starts at 1784.
Dedicated space for startups where NAVER and tech startups interact and collaborate
to create opportunities for growth
Hyper-creative joint AI research center where technology and infrastructure are shared
and AI experts are fostered
A space where different services
can be tested using more than
200 various mobile devices